Crash Fever Wizard Invades Guides

Note: these guides are taken in part from, and may contain out-of-date information; please let us know if you find anything has changed.
Additional credit goes to the Crash Fever Discord community for detailed information and tactics for the current Global version of events.

Amaterasu Invades!!

Azazel Invades!!

Jeanne Invades!!

Musashi Miyamoto Invades!!

Oz Invades!!

Arthur Invades!

Grimm Invades!

G~Star Children Invade!!

Freyr Invades!

Hugin & Munin Invade!

Karma Invades!!

SHOKI Invades!

Yomi Invades!

Shiva Invades!

Beelzebub Invades!

Xena Invades!

Paula and Danny INVADE!

O Come All Ye Powerful!

Koryu Invades!!

Freyr Invades!!

1F – Brett, Faerie Fay, Firefox

This floor is very easy, but you should aim to stall and build up skills before the next floor. Target the side enemies first; they'll leave if you finish Faerie Fay, but you want to prolong the fight, so take it slow, and take them out first.

2F – Raphael

Raphael begins with a preemptive attack causing REC 35% down. Her regular attack hits for around 10,000 damage, and she also has an ability to cause heart lock (3 turns). If you do not finish her quickly, she will eventually cause 50% ATK down for 10 turns. Use skills and finish her at once.

3F – Byggvir & Beyla

On her first health bar, Byggvir & Beyla (BB) causes Junk Panels to drop with medium probability. She also has an ability which deals around 8000 damage and causes virus (2500 damage) for 3 turns. Try to save skills here and defeat her normally.

At the start of her second health bar, BB raises attack frequency to 1 turn, and regular attack damage increases to around 8500. She also gains the ability to absorb junk panels to greatly heal herself. On this bar, it's fine to use your skills and finish her quickly, but save what you can.

4F – Freyr

  • Bar 1 - Freyr uses a preemptive attack to absorb Red Panels, and cause no Red Panels to drop for 1 turn. He will continue to absorb red panels to increase damage during the fight, and starts with a very high damage regular attack (about 13,000). Other abilities are DEF up + Green Panel invalid, Convert Red Panels to Timer Panels, and a 15,000 damage ability that causes REC down.

    Kill him quickly while leaving as few Red Panels on the board as possible.

  • Bar 2 - Freyr will use a preemptive attack to cause Heart Lock for 4 turns. If you can bring a unit to remove this, it's very helpful. He has few other abilities, but hits hard for about 12,000 damage. Try to finish him at a steady pace while saving up skills and FEVER.

  • Bar 3 - Freyr will use an preemptive attack to cause 12 Red Timer Panels to spawn randomly on the board. His attack damage will start lower (about 7000), but it will increase significantly each turn. He also has several abilities that grow in power each turn, and can cause either Red Panel disabled, raise his defense, or cause REC down 60% for several turns. Use all your skills and FEVER to finish him from the start.